As pet guardians, we are extremely hard on ourselves when our pets have passed on to the Rainbow Bridge. I wish I would have had this Top Ten list when I was grieving the death of my dogs Tasha and Niki. I would have read it probably a dozen times a day for God knows how many years. The guilt I felt from choosing a drug that took their lives and compromised my Casey's immune system for life was just unbearable.
Unfortunately, as a pet parent, your pet will die one day. I recommend printing Beezer's Top Ten list and keeping it in a safe place for that time in your life when you will need it.
(Compiled by Beezer, the Black Lab, from the Bridge and sent back to Earth.)
10. Jeez! If you're born, you die. Think about it, Dad.
9. Fear is the real enemy, not kidney disease. Fear is curable. I'm with you right now, just invisible. I'll be waiting at the Bridge when you arrive. Don't be afraid. Trust me.
8. Live with balance. The list of what went "right" with my life is so much bigger than the list of what went "wrong." My body died from kidney disease, but my spirit always soared because of you.
7. Honor my earthly life and memory. Does feeling guilty help you remember all our good times, adventures and mutual love?
6. Live with Presence! Don't despair about yesterday. Don't fear tomorrow. Otherwise, you'll miss out on the Gift of Today.
5. Thank you for taking my pain into your heart on the last day. I'm so proud of you for that selfless act.
4. Didn't you always forgive me when I made a mistake? I forgive you for any mistake you made during my illness. You made the best decisions possible with the information available at that time. All I took with me on my final earthly journey was our love. Please accept my forgiveness and release the guilt.
3. Pat yourself on the back in between crying. Your effort to treat me was a supreme act of humanity, love and compassion. Our relationship was never more meaningful than during my illness. Please recognize your character and commitment. I do.
2. Guilt is what you humans do to punish yourself for not being perfect.
1. You didn't have a cure for a fatal disease. My body stopped working because of this fatal disease, not because of something you did or did not do.
"Doug & the B Brothers"
c Doug Koktavy
May 1, 2005